Expert guidance to get your company’s online presence up and running

Unlock the power of the internet for your business with no fuss, no marketing jargon, and no technical knowledge needed.

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Artwork showing a person in front of a globe representing the internet

We can help your business get online

Whether your business is starting from scratch or just needs a digital refresh, First Steps Digital can help bring you up to speed. Friendly, knowledgeable advice, experienced online know-how, and expert technical support will have everything your company needs set up in no time.

Artwork showing person having a conversation on a phone

Simple, effective guidance to inform your decisions

With near endless resources and information available, it can be difficult to know where to begin online. Our guidance will let you prioritise what's important and not worry about the rest until it makes sense for your business.

Make the internet work for your business, not against it

62% of consumers disregard a business if they can’t find them online

Customers want to find out more about a business before making a purchase. Consumers don’t trust businesses that don't provide information online.

97% of people who need to find a local business search online first

The internet is the most convenient way for customers to find information about local businesses when they need it most.

28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase

Consumers searching for a local product online often have immediate need for it and want to move forward quickly.

Start your online journey with us today

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